Thursday, October 2, 2008

Short Bus 15 Fifteen Summary

Tony Ive
Matt Wappet
Core 122

Short Bus Chapter fifteen summary
The theme in chapter fifteen of the Short Bus was as humans we fear what we do not know and assign labels to make the unknown seem more familiar. The problem with these labels is they become intertwined and difficult to distinguish/diagnose, like Asperger syndrome vs. DSM, PDD or PDD-NOS. If you watch who you have separated yourself from for long enough you will begin to relate to their experience. The Chapter began with Mooney describing Jeff. Mooney was so overwhelmed by how different Jeff was that he did not feel they could make a connection. But after the two spent some time together he realized that, while he did not know how to label him, they shared similar feelings. Once Mooney read Jeff’s poetry he understood and wrote, “None of this is hard to understand. None of this is strange.”

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